2015 NCAAF Oracle – Week 13

NCAAF Oracle Rankings - Week 13

The weekly CFP rankings are out and the NCAAF Oracle has the same top six teams. The Oracle was also quite accurate in its rankings projections from last week that we are continuing with this analysis.

The Oracle wanted to find out if the rankings were really influenced by a November to remember or how would the ranks change if the committee had a short memory or perhaps they were nostalgic about the season. We set out the following experiment:

  • November to Remember: Games played in the month of November are given twice the weight by the Oracle.
  • Short Memory: The Oracle weights games according to how well it can remember, thus losing early will not hurt your rankings as much as if you lost recently. That is, later games are more important. 
  • Nostalgic: “Those were the days, my friends, We thought they’d never end…” The Oracle misses the warmth of late summer, so it tried to give more importance to the early games in the season

It turns out that how you weight the season does matter.

NCAAF Oracle: Week 13- Different Versions of Rankings

2015 NCAAF Oracle – Week 13
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